Terms and Conditions

Guarantee - All items listed for sale are guaranteed as genuine.

Returns - All items maybe returned for a refund within 28 days of sale. Please contact us to inform of this before initiation of a return. In the event of return, the purchaser will be responsible for return shipping; any claim for loss in transit will be the responsibility of the purchaser, therefore it is strongly advised to use a tracked and insured service.

Payment - Payment is taken through the website via Stripe. However, we are able to accommodate other methods of payment e.g. Bank transfer. Please contact us to arrange if you wish to pay via an alternative method.

Grading - Grades are provided in good faith on listings as a reference. Grading is, however, subjective and grades provided should be viewed as an opinion, rather than definitive. We strive to provide the highest quality images possible to aid with your assessment of grade.

Copyright - All images and text used for the website are produced and owned by Leamington Spa Coins Ltd and may not be reproduced, copied or edited without consent.

Blog Disclaimer - Information posted on the blog is opinion and provided for informational purposes only and should not be viewed as constituting advice.

Privacy - All reasonable steps are taken to ensure your personal data is secure. However, due to the nature of transmission of data across the internet, security of any data transmitted to the website cannot be guaranteed.